Los Angeles Now Playing


Stacey Steers 


Because of COVID-19, the Los Angeles Peephole Cinema was on “pause” for a long time.  We are looking to pair with a sponsoring organization with lots of foot traffic-reach out if interested.  Thank you all for your support. 

To see past shows–use the “archive” link of this website.  

Peephole Cinema

The Peephole Cinema Los Angeles is a free, public cinema showing media-based works, 24 hours a day and seven days a week, through a dime-sized peephole in the Chinatown District of Los Angeles.


Automata is an artist-run performance gallery located in Los Angeles, California, dedicated to the creation, incubation and presentation of experimental puppet theater, experimental cinema and other contemporary art practices centered on ideas of artifice and performing objects.   automata-la.org